Animated Typeface is a collaborative project by students of the VFS Digital Design program. In Term 3, they create 3-4 glyph sequences for the typeface. To visit our community site, visit VFS Oomph. To find out more about the VFS Digital Design program and what we offer, visit VFS Digital Design Program.

Orbitron A animation Orbitron B animation Orbitron C animation Orbitron D animation Orbitron E animation Orbitron F animation Orbitron G animation Orbitron H animation Orbitron I animation Orbitron J animation Orbitron K animation Orbitron L animation Orbitron M animation Orbitron N animation Orbitron O animation Orbitron P animation Orbitron Q animation Orbitron R animation Orbitron S animation Orbitron T animation Orbitron U animation Orbitron V animation Orbitron W animation Orbitron X animation Orbitron Y animation Orbitron Z animation Orbitron 0 animation Orbitron 1 animation Orbitron 2 animation Orbitron 3 animation Orbitron 4 animation Orbitron 5 animation Orbitron 6 animation Orbitron 7 animation Orbitron 8 animation Orbitron 9 animation Orbitron exclamation mark animation Orbitron at symbol animation Orbitron pound sign animation Orbitron dollar sign animation Orbitron percentage animation Orbitron ampersand animation Orbitron asterix animation Orbitron opening bracket animation Orbitron closing bracket animation Orbitron apostrophe animation Orbitron question mark animation Orbitron comma animation Orbitron period animation Orbitron minus sign animation Orbitron plus sign animation


Each set of Animated Typeface is completed by an individual class of students as part of the VFS Digital Design program. Each student is credited below with the animations they created. Each set showcases a type created by a type designer from The League of Movable Type, who are also credited below.

Type Design - Matt McInerney

E / F / P / 7 / 8 - Niketan Dewoolkar

D / G / Q / R / , - Dylan Endicott

A / I / V / @ / ’ - Ariel Farah

H / N / 5 / ) / - - Brandon Kim

C / M / 2 / $ / + - Adolfo Leyva

K / L / 3 / & / . - Kevin Lim

J / 1 / 9 / # / * - Frank Seager

B / W / 4 / ! / ( - Dakoda Stapleton

X / 0 / % / ? - Alejandro Chavarria

U / S / Y / Z - Suzy González Hernández

O / T / 6 - Sean Wright